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I will adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in developing the interests of those I represent and in communicating with the public. Honesty has always been the best policy when communicating with those I have relationships with, whether it be my co-workers, peers, or family and friends.

Personal Ethics Statement


I will responsibly use specialized knowledge and experience to better clients I am in contact with. I will build a mutual understanding, credibility, and relationships through the experience of communicating with others interpersonally.


I will be faithful to those I work for and represent, while honoring our obligation to serve the public interest. I will uphold my character through creating a relationship based on mutual trust between myself as a professional, the client, and/or customer.


I will treat everyone fairly, including customers, employers, competitors, peers, the media, and the general public. I will encourage the freedom of speech and respect all viewpoints.

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